Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Sixteen questions for departmental Examination

1-----------  means anything transmittable by Post, whether Letter,  Paper, Parcel, or Package

2.  Forward Postage is  not   chargeable  on a.  mis-sent article.

The above said statement is


3.   A  Packet  of   Newspapers consists of  ----  or  more  Newspaper   enclosed in one cover.

4 . what is meant by  office of posting ?

Office which any article is first received from the sender

5  The privileges and powers of the Government in respect of Postal and cognate matters are dealt with in the------------------------------

 Indian Post Office Act

6   in which ministry directs the postal department?

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
7     --------------- and -----------------  are permanent invitee to the Postal board

The joint Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Department

8    In which  postal  circle    is headed by  Major General called Additional Director  General  

Base Circle  (for army postal service )
9   In which ratio is adopted  for selection of  army postal service 

Seventy five  percent  of staff is coming from  civil post office as deputation and remaining twenty five staff are selected  through the direct recruit
10 The Materials Management is  handled by   ------------   member of postal board

Member (D)
11   The Headquarters of the Postal Services Board, the Director-General and other officers of the Director General are at  Mumbai

The above said statement is 

12  . Any representation which is not an appeal should be designated as ---------------

    a petition
13   Any petition or copy thereof which is sent direct to the Director General or to any subordinate authority, instead of through the proper channel, will be filed, no notice of any kind being taken of it.

The above said statement is

14 Petitions, representations and applications addressed to the Director General
by persons who have left the Department, or whose services have been dispensed with or who have been dismissed or removed from service.
Then  what  is the ruling related with  submission  of petitions, representations and applications ?

All such communications must be submitted through the Head of the Circle or the Administrative
Office under whom the persons were last employed.

15   For other Subordinate Courts,--------- appointed by the State Govt. have been notified to appear on behalf of the Union of India and its officers under the Civil Procedure Courts.

The Govt. Pleaders
16  All ---------------- in the Posts Department who are fully conversant with the facts of the particular cases are the authorised persons by whom Plaints and Written Statements in Suits in any courts of civil jurisdiction by or against the Central Government can be signed and verified in respect of matters concerning the Posts Department.

Gazetted Officers
Prepared by  S Jayachandran  ,  SA , Divisional office , Mavelikara  -690101

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