Monday, 21 January 2013

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (TierI) Examination, 2013

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level  (TierI) Examination, 2013 
Recruitments for  the posts of
a) Combined Graduate Level Examination.
(b) Tax Assistant Examination.
(c) Section Officer (Commercial audit)Examination
(d) Section Officer (Audit)Examination
(e) Complier (for O/o RGI)Examination
(f) Statistical Investigator Grade-II (for M/o Statistics & Prog. Implementation)Examination
(g) Sub-Inspector in CPOs Examination
Last date of receipt of Application
15th February 2013 (22nd February for Candidates applying from far-flung areas)
Date of Examination
14.04.2013 &  21.04.2013
Age Limit
18-27 years for Inspector of Income Tax/ Inspector (Central Excise)/ Inspector (Preventive Officer)/ Inspector (Examiner)/ Inspector of Posts / Ass.. Enforcement Officer and Divisional Accountants / Auditors /UDCs/ Tax Assistants (ii) 20 to 27 years for posts of Assistants and Sub-inspectors in CBI. (iii) 26 years for Statistical Investigators Gr.II (iv) 20-25 years for Sub Inspectors (Ex) in Central Police Orgnisations. (v)Usual age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/PH/ExS etc. as per Govt. orders.)

Educational Qualification
The minimum qualification for the Combined Graduate Level exam is gradation from a recognized university.
How  to  Apply
Apply Online at SSC website at However, Those who wants to apply offline can still send their Applications on prescribed proforma, in an envelope shoud be send to concerned Regional Director of SSC where candidate want to apply
Contact Details
Staff Selection Commission
Block No.-12, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road New Delhi  ,
Phone : 011 – 24363343
Paper / No. of Questions / Marks -Part-A: General Intelligence &
General Awareness / 100 / 100 Part-B: Arithmetic/ 100 / 100. Total marks- 200.

Duration- 2 Hrs. Both parts A & B will be objective type (multiple choice type).
Question papers for both the parts in preliminary examination will be set both in English and Hindi. The combined preliminary examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The marks obtained in the preliminary examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the main examination will  not be counted for determining their final order of merit

Candidates who are declared by the commission to have qualified in the preliminary examination in a year will be eligible for admission to the main examination. The Combined Main Examination will be of conventional type as per the scheme at A
and B given here : A. Scheme and subjects for the main examination for recruitment to the post of Assistant Grade/Inspectors of Central Excise/Income Tax, Sub-Inspectors of CPO’s/CBI
The main examination will consist of two parts- Part-I :Written Examination and Part-II : Personality Test.
I.                      English / 100 / 2 Hours.

II.                    Language comprehension (English) / 100 / 2 Hours.

       III             Communication skill and writing ability (option to answer either in Hindi or English) /200 / 3 Hours.
      IV Arithmetic (Option to answer either in Hindi or English) / 200 /3 Hours.

      V . General studies (option to answer either in Hindi or English) /200 / 3 Hours.

      Total marks- 800.
All the question papers for the main examination will be of conventional type. (A) Paper I will be compulsory for all candidates. However this will be of qualifying nature only for the candidates who are opting for the posts of Assistants
(B) Paper II will be compulsory for all the candidates except  those opting for post of Assistants
(C) Paper III will be compulsory for candidates opting for the post of Assistants only.
(D) Paper IV and Paper V are compulsory for the candidates appearing for all the categories
Candidates will have the option to answer Paper III, Paper IV and Paper V either in Hindi or English medium opted in preliminary examination (Hindi or English) will remain the same in main Examination.
PERSONALITY TEST : The personality test will carry a maximum of 100 marks for all the posts/services
For  more details  please visit  

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